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Vanguard Academy
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What is Project Based Learning?

Vanguard Academy seeks to provide hands-on learning, collaboration, innovation, critical thinking, and discovery in preparation for life after high school. Through project-based learning, students will develop valuable skills and knowledge for their professional development and pathway after graduation.
Project-based learning is an innovative approach to teaching that focuses on the work rather than the subjects. By providing students a core project to center their learning around, project-based learning takes away the pressure of a full class schedule.  This allows students to learn the material gradually and comprehensively, emulating the way we learn things in the real world. It also allows the students to explore their interests and passion as they take control of their academic journey.
The project-based learning method has been gaining popularity in schools across the nation, including Washington state. Educators have found that students who participate in this type of hands-on curriculum are better prepared to handle challenging work environments using their communication and critical thinking skills.
This has prompted us to re-think the way we are teaching our students to ensure they learn the skills necessary to navigate between the subject matter and how to apply it in relevant situations. Because life doesn't happen in subject areas, neither should our students' education. 
The Moses Lake School District is excited to offer students a choice between Moses Lake High School and Vanguard Academy for a successful academic career, no matter where life takes them.

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